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Version: 1.8 Forge

Vampiric Creatures are vampire variants or normal creatures like cows, sheeps, pigs etc. They can naturally spawn in the Vampire Forest or can be turned by Vampires. While some creatures lose their functionality most will keep their behavior eg tamed horses.

(By default there are only vanilla creatures that can be turned if you want to add modded entities take a look here)


Turning creatures

Creatures can be turned by either a vampire player or other vampire entities. While player can bite the creatures and suck their blood all at once other vampire entites only drinks blood from other entities if they are thirsty. At the point that the creatures blood has been used up there is a 1/1 chance that the creature dies or gets turned into a vampiric version of itself.

At time of writing following creatures can be turned: Cow, Llama, Cat, Panda, Pig, Polarbear, Rabbit, Sheep, Villager, Horse

If there is no vampiric version of the creature the creature just dies as soon as they do not have blood left.

Curing creatures

Curing vampiric creatures is nearly the same as curing a Zombie villager. But instead of a Golden Apple you need an Infected Apple.

You must weaken the creature with an weakness potion and right click the creature with an Infested Apple

cure apple recipe

The infected apple is craftable with 7 Gold Nuggets, 1 Apple and 1 Zombie Blood Injection

The Zombie Blood Injection can be optained by interacting with a zombie while holding an Empty Injection